Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Jewelry Organizing

If you're anything like me, then you probably have a ton of jewelry! And if you don't have anything to really organize your jewelry with, it can become more a hassle than an accessory. That's exactly what happened to me. I stopped wearing a lot of my jewelry because I'd have to unravel each piece just to get the one I wanted to wear. So, after a trip to Ross, I purchased some pretty awesome jewelry organizers - and I wasn't even at Ross for jewelry organizers in the first place (score)!

I have a bunch of necklaces (well, my necklace stash doesn't even compare to my friend, E), so I really needed something to keep them hung separately so they didn't continue to get mangled together.

I ended up going home with one black bracelet rack (it's a velvet material, which makes me feel fancy), a necklace/earring/etc. rack to hang on the wall, a vertical standing necklace/earring/etc. organizer, and a really pretty mirrored jewelry box (probably my favorite piece - makes me feel extra fancy).

I wanted a place where I can display all of my jewelry without it being in the way. I first thought about using a shelf in our bathroom linen closet, but it was full of other crap (crap that also needs to be organized - never ending I tell you!). Then I remembered that our closet has a shelf that runs along the midway of the wall - PERFECT! I cleared the entire left side (by moving all that junk to the very top shelf) and gave the shelf a good dust and wipe down. After playing with how I wanted everything to look, I must say, I'm very pleased with the end result.

This was a fun (if you like organizing as much as I do - which is A LOT) and easy project. Hey, you even get an excuse to go shopping!

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