Monday, February 22, 2016


One word accurately describes us this past weekend: homebodies.

I've been trying to get over my strep-like sickness, which I think I passed onto my husband... and baby B is getting over an eye infection, so this was a good weekend to be sloth-like. Which I'm still feeling this morning as I try to get back into the groove of things.

For some fresh air, we hung-out and played in the backyard a bunch; one of baby B's favorite places to be. Took a few walks, and a quick trip to the grocery store. Gigi and Papa paid a visit, which was the first time they got to see their grand-baby walk (in person). Very exciting stuff, people.

In big news: we're transitioning out of the morning nap + late afternoon nap, which were both about an hour - if lucky - each, into one long after lunch nap. Practiced all weekend and have been doing wonderful! Saturday resulted in a 3.5 hour nap. I was shocked and had to gossip about it with my mommy friends because they understand.

I didn't get too many pictures from this weekend, since it was so low key (and because I'm trying to not have my phone constantly on me at all times), but here's a look into our weekend.

Mickey & milk, our favorite morning routine

exploring in the backyard
sleep. lots of sleep.
Hopefully the sickness that's filled our home is on it's way out... because I'm really looking forward to a much needed date night this weekend. :)

That's all for now. Have a fantastic week!

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