Monday, February 22, 2016


One word accurately describes us this past weekend: homebodies.

I've been trying to get over my strep-like sickness, which I think I passed onto my husband... and baby B is getting over an eye infection, so this was a good weekend to be sloth-like. Which I'm still feeling this morning as I try to get back into the groove of things.

For some fresh air, we hung-out and played in the backyard a bunch; one of baby B's favorite places to be. Took a few walks, and a quick trip to the grocery store. Gigi and Papa paid a visit, which was the first time they got to see their grand-baby walk (in person). Very exciting stuff, people.

In big news: we're transitioning out of the morning nap + late afternoon nap, which were both about an hour - if lucky - each, into one long after lunch nap. Practiced all weekend and have been doing wonderful! Saturday resulted in a 3.5 hour nap. I was shocked and had to gossip about it with my mommy friends because they understand.

I didn't get too many pictures from this weekend, since it was so low key (and because I'm trying to not have my phone constantly on me at all times), but here's a look into our weekend.

Mickey & milk, our favorite morning routine

exploring in the backyard
sleep. lots of sleep.
Hopefully the sickness that's filled our home is on it's way out... because I'm really looking forward to a much needed date night this weekend. :)

That's all for now. Have a fantastic week!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Weekend Happenings + Valentine's Day

We started off our weekend with grabbing lunch on Friday at this fun spot downtown. The weather was great, the food was delicious, and the noise was ridiculously loud. But that's downtown for 'ya!

The amazing weather continued through Saturday, so we hung-out in the backyard for a while - my kid would live outdoors if we let him. Bubbles, paint, and walking around the table while the dogs played were the main attractions. I really need to get some outdoor activities for my guy... especially since warmer days are ahead! 

Saturday night we hung out with some friends and their kiddo, who is just 3 months younger than baby B. It's funny to look back at times when we'd hang out... sitting around having a drink, chatting. Now, we're constantly chasing our boys and talking everything baby! Oh, how the times have changed. 

heart masterpiece
Sunday (a.k.a. Valentine's Day) rolled around and we all slept in till about 8:00, then hit the do-nut shop for some breakfast. Sleep + do-nuts = the way to my heart. :) 

Last Valentine's Day, baby B was just a sweet, teeny little baby. Now, he's walking and playing like a big boy! We spent the day playing in the backyard (again), a trip to the park, making some sugar cookies, and horsing around the house. A perfect Sunday/Valentine's Day if you ask me!

Valentine's Day 2015
those curls are everything!
I hope your weekend and Valentine's Day was just as great. 

Friday, February 12, 2016

Valentine's Day Printable

I'll admit, I'm not a Valentine's Day girl at all (please no teddy bears); however, I was totally excited for my little guy's Valentine's Day school party! In other words, it means I get to get crafty again. We all know those days of crafting hours on end are long gone, so when I'm given just the littlest of reason to make a craft I'm going to jump on it. 

Baby B's school throws small holiday parties and ask that the kiddos bring something to help out with the party. I already knew that I wanted his Valentine's treat to be something healthy (I'm 100% content with being that mom) for the kiddos to enjoy. So, when searching for ideas I came across this adorable printable and instantly fell in love. I decided to replicate the printable, but modifying the color to a brighter red. 

All you need is:
  • the you're my main squeeze printable (found below or here)
  • white cardstock
  • fruit squeeze packets (we used apple sauce)
  • string/ribbon
  • scissors
  • printer
  • hole punch

Just download, print, cut, and assemble. Super easy, affordable, and a lovely Valentine's treat idea.

You can download the full sized printable here (and don't forget to write your little one's name next to the heart).

Happy Valentine's Day!