Monday, September 21, 2015

Weekend Happenin's

This weekend was jam packed with football! And appropriately so, I (finally) decided to update the chalkboard, which doesn't get much love anymore.

Saturday I hit the grocery store bright & early with my little shopping buddy. It was my first time as the 'Crazy Coupon Lady'... I think I upset a couple of people in line behind me, and I probably should've been more organized, but it felt pretty damn good to save $10! I'm already getting excited for next week's grocery trip... What can I say, this girl loves a good deal / savings!

Later that day, one of my very best friends stopped by just to hang out. We did a little grilling, a little drinking, and a lot of catching up. We were even hoping for a better game than last week for the hogs... but not this time.

Sunday we ate pancakes & bacon for breakfast lunch, lounged around, and - you guessed it - watched more football! For the second week in a row, the Cowboys nearly gave my husband a heart attack, but they made it out with the most penalties I feel like I've ever witnessed in one game and a win. Surprisingly, baby B doesn't have much Cowboys gear... I have yet to find an infant onesie/shirt that isn't totally lame-o, so if you've seen any cute ones, then let me know!!

Overall, it was a pretty laid back weekend at our house... except for when 3:00am rolls around. That's when a certain someone decides to wake up and party in his crib. Every. Single. Night. For the past few nights. I feel like another teething monster may be making an appearance soon. Pray for us.

So, this morning I'm thoroughly enjoying my Grande Nonfat Caramel Macchiato. Happy Monday, everyone!

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